August 30th
The Weekly Water Buffalo
Tuesday, August 30, 2022
Volume 28, Issue 2
School Pictures - TOMORROW
Tomorrow is Picture Day! We will take a whole-school group picture, and students will sit for individual photos. Mr. Danny Spears from Spears Studios is the photographer.
You are under no obligation to purchase prints, but if you want to buy photos, there are a few things to know. Since last year, he has changed a little bit about the way he does ordering. Once photos are uploaded, you’ll get an email encouraging you to visit a password-protected webpage where you can purchase a variety of photo packages. Mr. Spears will send a couple reminder emails, but you will have the ability to opt out of those reminders.
If you want to purchase photos, but don’t see an email from Mr. Spears, within the next two weeks please let us know, and we’ll get you connected!
On Campus Camp Out
The PTA is hosting an on-campus camp out on Friday, September 16th. We have found that an outdoor event that includes parents makes for a really fun evening. Here are some quick points:
All children must be accompanied by an adult
Friday 7pm - tent setup
7:30-9pm - games, campfires, smores
9-11pm - outdoor movie, devotion, and singing
Saturday 7am - breakfast
8am - pack up and head home
$15 per student who stays overnight
$10 for students who are just participating in the Friday night portion
RSVP: or 678-615-0824
Singing Invitation
On Sunday, September 25th, we’re going to sing a song called “My Lighthouse” during worship at Sola Fide. A lot of kids in the Academy really like this song, so we’re inviting them to join the musicians in the front of the church to sing along during worship. Kids are invited to sing during the 8:00 or the 10:30am worship service (or both). Mrs. Kim is planning a cookie fellowship after the 10:30 worship service.
Important Dates
August 31 - School Picture Day
September 5 - No School - Labor Day
September 9 - Cross Country Meet - Athens
September 16 - On Campus Camp Out
September 24 - Cross Country Meet - Winder
September 25 - Sing in Church!!
October 7 - Early Dismissal - Parent-Teacher Consultations