Preschool FAQ

How old does my child have to be to attend preschool at Sola Fide?

All students are joined to an age cohort based on when they are eligible for Kindergarten. The youngest students we have in our program must be three years old by September 1 of the year in which they enroll.

What are the hours of the preschool day?

Sola Fide’s preschool operates a preschool program on school days from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.

What days of the year does the program operate?

Sola Fide’s preschool operates according to our school year calendar. We do not operate our preschool during the summer.

Is the preschool licensed by the state of Georgia?

Sola Fide’s preschool operates under a category 14 exemption from state licensure. This means that our preschool maintains accreditation with the Association of Christian Schools International.