February 21
The Water Buffalo Newsletter
Volume 30, Issue 8
February 21, 2025
2025-2026 Enrollment
Every family should have received both an email and paperwork containing information to register for school next year. On Monday, we open up enrollment for students who do not currently attend Sola Fide. If you have not complete registration, your spot is in jeopardy, come Monday! If you have questions about your child’s enrollment, please reach out to Mr. Schmiege as soon as possible.
Grandparents’ Day
Grandparents’ Day is coming up soon! This year it’s on March 14 (a half day of school). Grandparents are invited to have some coffee fellowship, attend chapel, observe or participate in recess, take part in classroom activities, and have some lunch. If your child’s grandparents are interested in attending, please have them submit (or submit on their behalf) the linked form by March 1st. Form Link: https://forms.gle/Upbnw85TK3g3G1CZ6
Social Studies Fair
The Social Studies Fair is coming up on the evening of March 13th. Many of our students will be sharing a biography or geography project. Join us for an evening of learning on display!
School Uniforms - What are sweatpants anyway?
We’re having a bit of a struggle with some recent fashion trends and how they apply to what sort of pants kids wear to school. We’ve always said “no sweatpants.” Recently joggers, technical pants, and other athleisure wear has really blurred the lines.
Here are a few of our guiding principles around why we have uniforms:
A uniform is a way of saying, “I have an important purpose here.”
A uniform is a way of saying, “I am a part of this team.”
A uniform helps avoid a majority of distracting outfit options
A uniform helps parents avoid morning arguments with their children
The uniform serves the school. The school does not serve the uniform.
Sola Fide wants parents to be able to easily shop for inexpensive uniform items for their growing kids
None of that really helps define whether tan athleisure pants are or aren’t khakis. None of that helps teachers who wonder if they are enforcing the right thing.
In this vein, the faculty is definitely interested in parent perspectives. If you’d like to be part of a group that discusses uniform policy, please reach out to Mr. Schmiege to express your interest. And in the meantime, please don’t make a big investment in next year’s pants unless you are certain that they fit the uniform.
Track & Field
Track and Field starts up on Monday, February 24th. In the past, we’ve mostly focused on distance running. This year, we look forward to adding some sprints, relays, and field events. There are a handful of Saturday meets in North Georgia that look like great opportunities for our athletes. Parents of interested 2nd-9th graders can sign up at this link: https://forms.gle/2obwisYVvBw46GB29
Important Dates
Feb 24 - Track Practice Begins
March 8 - First Track Meet - Athens, GA
March 13 - Social Studies Fair
March 14 - Grandparents’ Day
March 14 - Half Day - Teacher Development
April 7-11 - No School - Spring Break
May 2 - Sola Field Day